Monday, July 7, 2014

Extern: Day 15

Had a really awesome weekend, was able to open up a little more to my instructors. (So hard for me) but my word of this year is  BOLD. To be bold is hard and takes confidence which in new situations I don't have a lot of. I really want to put myself out of my comfort zone because if I don't how will it get bigger? I feel confident as a teacher and confident in what I know. I am also confident in my imagination and my ability to explain things to people in a visual manner. But when I worry about what people think of me in the saddle or which my horse I always worry. I hope by the end of this course I feel very confident in myself. Annabelle has been great very LBE (left brain extrovert) I was doing walk to canter transitions and every time she picked up the opposite lead I wanted. Never have experienced this before! She was also throwing a little fit in the field because she wanted to eat grass. There's not many times I don't allow it, but I needed her to be connected with me and it wasn't the time for it. She is still impressing me with how level headed she has been. On our trail ride today we were trotting up a hill very wide open space, Annabelle finds the one bush and instead of going around it she jumps it. It caught me a little off guard but lately I've been trying to be ready for her to jump anything. 

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