Day five: instructor course

Pat Parelli Proudly Presents his Provocative and Progressive Program and
the proclamation that Prior and Proper Preparation Prevents P-Poor Performance,
Particularly if Polite and Passive Persistence is Practiced in the proper
position. This Perspective takes Patience from Process to Product, from
Principle to Purpose. The Promise that Pat Plans to Prove is that Practice does
not make Perfect, only Perfect Practice makes Perfect and, isn’t it Peculiar
how these poor Prey animals Perceive People as predators prior to practicing
the Parelli Program! Whoo! I did mess up one of them on the test, and there was
one saying that I wasn't sure of and had no idea what it was. But other then
that I feel good on the written tests. As far as the presentation, thats
another story. I couldn't believe that my brained jumped out of my head and ran
out the door and down the hall the second I got up in front of everyone. Before
I got up there I had everything clear in my head and was excited of my idea. I
presented why playing online is important. And from prior experience telling a
story is the easiest. So I told the story of how I really needed to start
online with my horse first to get experience with horses since I had none when
I got my horse and how it gave me confidence with her and she could build
confidence with me. I figured it would be a really easy topic to talk about
since when people ask me about my horse stuff it is the most talked about
story...however my brain ran away from me. I hope it was long enough and good
enough. FINGERS CROSSED. We will find out sometime next week if we passed or
not. It will be such a long wait!
I am excited to see Heather tomorrow!! :-) Overall this has
been an awesome trip.
After all of our testing we went outside and did some more simulations and learning which was great all the instructors were amazing, it was hard to say goodbye to all of them.
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