Tuesday, October 17, 2017

It’s Time to Fly

     Looking back over the past 5 years it’s amazing the life changing experiences I have had. When I got Annabelle and was introduced to the Parelli program I fell in love with it. The never ending journey, endless things to learn, the people, the program, the experiences. Cumulatively 6 months spent on campus, the tour stops, clinics and lessons has given me the foundation of what good horsemanship looks like. This will always be a part of me.
     As Heather and I move forward with DuFour Dynamics it has been harder and harder for me to stay within the limits that the Parelli Professional guidelines have given me. As more and more opportunities come about I have decided to just be me, Allison DuFour. 
      I’ve spent over a year making this decision, it has not been an easy one. I have to stay progressive and keep moving forward, I have been stagnant for too long. I can not feel limited by a label anymore. I was letting the fear of striking out keep me from playing them game. I am so excited to help even more horses and humans. Putting my full heart forward and into this, trusting everything I have learned from countless teachers over the past 5 years. It’s time to fly. 
     So DuFour Dynamics will be launching Allison DuFour Natural Horsemanship Trainer, creating a partnership, with a focus on the foundation and relationship to create greatness. 

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