Monday, April 7, 2014

Level 4

With my externship coming up quickly the pressure to get level 4 in some areas is growing, and I need a 3++ in online and liberty anyhow so I'm going for level 4. My online is pretty solid but my liberty isn't- all the tasks with drive are super easy (naturally with a RBE) but my tasks that have draw seem so hard! I can't get over this bump in the road. My figure 8 is really good online but moving it to liberty without any feel in the rope I have almost 0 draw. We tried filming and got through everything except figure 8 and a consistent circle game. She jumped 3ft, half jumped barrel, stick to me flying changes, trailer loaded, amazing sideways (even from zone 5), lead by tail, even a slide stop thing at our stick to me game. 
My first attempt filming my circles were AMAZING better then ever even got cantering both ways with a draw (her circles were small). As the day went on she was leaving at the canter, probably feeling just as tired and frustrated as me so I'm trying again this weekend. 
My figure 8's have great drive but not draw around the barrel she stops and looks at me (I do love the question). Figure 8's are the hardest pattern for us even was online. 
I can get canter draws online and sometimes at liberty but when I try to out the draw into a task I lose connection. 
Any suggestions or ideas would be awesome to help our draw! 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could send her around one barrel, draw her all the way to you, and give her a treat. Then send her around the other barrel, draw her to you, and give a treat. Repeat that pattern until she expects to come to you after she goes around the barrel and draws to you strongly. Then it should be pretty easy to redirect her to the second barrel as she starts to come to you, draw her to you, and give her a treat. You can gradually increase the number of revolutions you can do over a few days but keep the draw really strong by occasionally just sending her around one or two. At least that's my first thought - good luck! You two are doing so great!
